
Two Heroes, One Calling
Two Loras graduates laid down their lives for their country during times of war. Their sacrifices are now the focus of a display on the Loras College campus.

Loras Social Work Awarded Grant to Connect with Long-Term Care Residents

Miller Nominated as NCAA Woman of the Year


技术栈 – 技术栈-爱技术爱生活,主要分享互联网技术教程众及 ...:2021-7-14 · 教程 Java 【阿里云】优惠活动汇总,新用户、老用户、个人、企业【持续更新 ... Windows下MySQL5.7重置密码,忘记密码重置root 密码 楼主 技术栈 技术杂谈, 数据库 MySQL, 数据库 1、打开第一个cmd窗口执行 net stop mysql57 2、在第一个cmd窗口执行 ...

Virtual Tour In the Works
Loras College is working to create an immersive virtual tour that will allow prospective students an in-depth exploration of campus second only to an in-person visit.

Turning to History to Find the Future


Loras College Announces $500,000 Challenge Gift For Student Aid

Loras College Shifts to Test-Optional Admission

Loras College Announces $500,000 Challenge Gift For Student Aid
“On behalf of all Loras, I am grateful to our marvelous benefactors because, without them, it would be even more difficult to navigate the pandemic.”

Loras College Shifts to Test-Optional Admission



Student Comfort Key to Loras Flex; Plan Includes No Tuition Increase
Campus & Community

Virtual Tour In the Works
自建梯子教程:vultr+ssr+SwitchyOmega - BBSMAX:2021-11-9 · 自建梯子教程:vultr+ssr+SwitchyOmega 1 综述 在饱受蓝灯挂掉之苦半个月后,终于决定自己搭建VPS服务器FQ了.虽然网上VPS服务器教程很多,但是我按照那些教程弄好VPS服务器总是不稳定,用着用着就不能用了.这应该是这次GFW升级带来的后遗症 ...

Turning to History to Find the Future

用Vultr自己搭建ss/ssr服务器教程 - 伕码天地:2021-8-27 · 欢迎大家加扣群交流55134079 【客户端下载】 第一次电脑系统使用SSR / SS客户端时,需要安装.NET Framework 4.0,不然无法正常使用,微软官网下载 .NET Framework 4.0是SSR / SS的运行库,没有这个SSR / SS客户端无法正常运行。有的电脑系统 ...

Loras College Announces $500,000 Challenge Gift For Student Aid
Academic Affairs

The Loras admission team is now using a test-optional admission process that provides students with a certain grade point average (GPA) to forego submitting an ACT or SAT score for acceptance in the College.

Father Vu Returns to Loras as Chaplain

Vision Health Center Continues Loras Streak